Project Description

Jonc Buczek

Oggi piove nella mia testa

Today it’s raining in my head

Born in 1993, she left her heart in Poland and sold her soul to the city of London. After gra- duating at College of Fine Arts in Katowice (Po- land) in 2013, she moved to London to attend the University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Arts, obtaining her BA Illustration degree in 2017. Since then, she has worked as a freelance artist based in London, where she is currently collaborating with different Po- lish associations. She finds her inspiration in objects, situations and trends usually consi- dered as tacky, cheesy, lacking of good taste, popular or bizarre.

Nata nel 1993, dopo essersi diplomata al Liceo di Belle Arti di Katowice (Polonia) nel 2013, si è trasferita a Londra per studiare alla University of the Arts London, al Camberwell College of Arts, laureandosi in Illustrazione nel 2017. Da allora lavora come artista freelance con sede a Londra, dove collabora con diverse asso- ciazioni polacche. Trova ispirazione in oggetti, situazioni e trend solitamente considerati pac- chiani, dozzinali, privi di buon gusto, popolari o bizzarri.

un progetto

in rete con



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